Endowments — Gifting Options

The Texas District has three endowment funds with Legacy Deo (legacydeo.org). All gifts contributed remain in the fund and distributions are directed to the specific purpose.

Donations can be sent to the LWML Texas District Financial Secretary (by mail or electronically) or to Legacy Deo (electronically). Please designate the endowment fund(s) desired:

The Mission Goal Endowment (EN334) provides funds for the mission goal of LWML Texas District.

The Mission Inreach Endowment (EN165) provides funds for spiritual enrichment, member development and leadership training opportunities for members of the LWML Texas District.

The Scholarship Endowment (EN057) provides scholarships for women from Texas going into full-time church work fields at an LCMS university or college.

Planned Gifts

Planned gifts to the endowments are encouraged:

Are you interested in sharing your faith, blessing your family, and impacting ministry with an estate plan or charitable gift? 

  1. Planned gifts provide a means of including the LWML Texas District in the distribution of your earthly blessings when the Lord calls you home. These gifts made through provision in wills and estate plans or by beneficiary designations made on insurance policies, IRAs, or other retirement and savings accounts, can be designated to one of the endowment funds. Contact Legacy Deo directly at 1-800-880-3733 or email info@legacydeo.org.
  2. Legacy Deo Ambassador, Debbie Curry is available for estate planning and charitable giving presentations to LWML groups, zones, and members upon request. Contact Debbie Curry at Debbie.legacydeo@gmail.com to schedule a group or individual presentation. All information shared in individual consultations is kept confidential.

Immediate Gifts/Memorials/Honorariums

Immediate gifts to these endowments can be made in these ways:

  1. Send checks payable to LWML Texas District, Attn: Alissa Elley, Financial Secretary, PO Box 183, Seguin, TX 78156. The donation will be recorded and the funds will be sent to Legacy Deo.
    Please include the memorial/honorarium remittance form found here with your donation. Note: When printing the form, please print at 100% on full page. The form is fillable before printing and can be used for any donation to the endowments.
  2. You may also give electronically through LWML Texas District here. Please include which endowment you are supporting in the “notes” section of the PayPal form along with memorial/honorarium information if applicable.
  3. You may give electronically directly to Legacy Deo here: legacydeo.org. Use the description box to enter the endowment name or account number (Mission Goal EN334, Mission Inreach EN165, or Scholarship EN057) you wish to support. Additional information can be entered in the description such as contact information for an honorarium or memorial. Legacy Deo is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation of the State of Texas, so all gifts given to Legacy Deo in support of LWML Texas District are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Endowment Committee

Sally Krueger, Chairman
Tiffany Harmon
Rev. John Heckmann

Contact Sally Krueger by email for more information on how to support the endowments. 

This page was last updated June 30, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster