2024–2026 Mission Grant
Description and Prayer


Christian Education Scholarships K–12, Central Texas


The ministry at Faith Lutheran High School of Central Texas (FLHS) continues to grow each year through God’s grace. Students attend FLHS from Lee, Bastrop, and Fayette counties, many driving over 30 miles one way. Obtaining school-provided transportation will allow FLHS to expand the ministry to more students and families.

Gracious Father, thank You for the students, teachers, and supporters of Lutheran education and especially those at Faith Lutheran High School. Bless the young people who are attending this school, and fill them with a love for learning academically and drawing closer to You. We pray this mission grant is used to help Faith and the families involved to reach more students and alleviate some of the difficulties involved in transporting for school activities. May Your will be done. Amen.

Funded through May 2024: $0

Mission Grant SpotlightProviding a Gospel-driven Education

people at camp, crosses, outdoors
Students at our annual retreat to Camp Lone Star. Each school year begins with this retreat as students learn about each other, as we cultivate and develop the family atmosphere that makes FLHS so unique. We are a Falcon family!
graduating students throwing caps
Seniors following the graduation ceremony in May 2021. This was our first graduating class. The Lord has wonderful things planned for each of them. One is attending college majoring in business, another majoring in mechanical and aerospace engineering, while the other two are both pursuing education degrees from one of the Concordia Universities.
students in classroom
Students in Biology class were dissecting owl pellets. This hands-on activity allowed them to understand the food cycle and food webs. It gave them opportunities to learn about creatures in God’s creation.
students sitting in a circle on the floor
Students having fun in the classroom. Students were able to apply science principles to a class activity. This helps the scientific concepts become more applicable and real to the students.
students displaying artwork
Students competed in a German art contest. Many students and families in our area have ethnic ties to Germany, thus German is a foreign language to our students. Students were able to use their gifts and talents in an art competition reflecting their German cultural heritage.

This page was last updated July 6, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster