2024–2026 Mission Grant
Description and Prayer


Let It Shine Academy, Bethany, Austin, Lutheran Special Education Ministries


The Let It Shine Enrichment Academy at Bethany Lutheran Church, Austin, was established by Lutheran Special Education Ministries (LSEM) and is designed to address the unique needs of children, particularly those on the autism spectrum and those needing early intervention. This mission grant will be used for tuition assistance and to provide materials and training needed to support the school’s Christ-centered learning environment.

Almighty God and Father, You sent Your Son in love to call even the little ones to His embrace, for Your Kingdom belongs to people like these. In Your mercy, O God, work through the ministries of Let it Shine Enrichment Academy as they care for preschool children in the autism spectrum of disorders and other special needs. We thank You, for this caring arm of Lutheran Special Education Ministries that provides a loving and well-trained enrichment center for children who are often turned away from early learning facilities. Bless the use of this mission grant to let Your love shine in the lives of these children. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

Funded through May 2024: $0

Mission Grant SpotlightServing Children with Autism

child with walker playing with ball
The child is gaining strength and endurance while using his walker to play in the gym and kick the ball forward to a peer. 
child listening with headphones
The child is participating in therapeutic listening to promote regulation and auditory processing while completing a craft. 
child juicing oranges
The children juiced oranges, using both hands and working as a team to follow a simple recipe. 
child with noise cancelling head phones
A child utilizes noise cancelling headphones which help calm and focus her as she continues to learn and play. Headphones like these, along with weighted vests, weighted lap pads, and sensory bins are available for the child who needs/wants them.
child wearing hat
The child is engaging in imaginary play. He made a hat for the safari. 
child in a swing
The child is happily swinging during sensory room time which helps self-regulate the children as well as provide vestibular input.
two teachers and the director
Two of our teachers, along with Director Teresa Danner in the middle, are excited to work with these special children and give them a loving, welcoming, structured environment where they can learn, grow, and thrive.
smiling family
Here we can see the entire family smiling along with their sons, including the son who attends Let It Shine, which has impacted the whole family in a positive way.

This page was last updated July 6, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster