2024–2026 Mission Grant
Description and Prayer


Offering Women Hope: Blue Blossom Pregnancy Centers and Maternal Assistance Program, Houston


Blue Blossom 

Gracious and living God, You are the One who gives the breath of life and sustains our hopes.  When young women learn that they are to be Your instruments to bring new life into this world, they may be troubled, worried, and overwhelmed. You have provided Blue Blossom Pregnancy Centers to give courage and comfort, hope and trust to troubled hearts. We pray Your blessing on Blue Blossom Pregnancy Centers through these mission mites as they are given opportunities to guide these young women in ways that respect the lives of their unborn children. Merciful Father, strengthen them in love and faith toward You as they hear of Your mercy and grace in Jesus Christ their Lord, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Funded through May 2024: $0

Mission Grant Spotlight — Houston Coalition for Life

mother holding babybaby suppliesbusbooksbusesvolunteers with donationsdonationsexam roommothers in classwoman on side of road

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