2024–2026 Mission Grant
Description and Prayer


Orphan Grain Train Shipping Supplies, Houston


The Orphan Grain Train (OGT), Houston, volunteers gather donations of clothing, medical supplies, food, Christian literature, and other aid to meet real needs in the Houston area and around the world. This mission grant will provide storage and shipping supplies to aid in bringing the Gospel of Christ wherever they send assistance.

Our loving Father, You call us to remember those who are poor and hungry. We thank You for the dedication of those serving through the Orphan Grain Train. As we are experiencing a pandemic in our world today there are so many who are hungry due to unemployment. Guide their help and desire to put food in the hands of so many in need. Bless them with the necessary storage and shipping supplies so they can continue to impact the lives of people through their acts of giving and servanthood.  Lord, we are grateful for them and ask You to find ways we can meet the needs of those we serve. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Funded through May 2024: $0

Mission Grant Spotlight — Pack It Up and Ship It Out

Orphan Grain Train Board members with items
Houston OGT board members are thankful for the opportunities of sharing resources and bringing Christ’s name to those in need. 
People packing donations
Donations are sorted and packed and made ready for shipping to organizations around the state of Texas.
OGT Board members in front of new storage container
Houston OGT board members in front of the new storage container located at Zion Lutheran Church, Pasadena. The Houston Branch is currently raising money to build a warehouse, so this container is a blessing for the volunteers to work in for now. 
Child packing a box
OGT is grateful for volunteers of all ages!
volunteers sorting donations
Volunteers inspect and sort donations at Zion Lutheran Church.
volunteers from around the state
OGT is thankful for its partnership with congregations from around the state.
donated items for Orphan Grain Train
Churches and individuals within the greater Houston area have shown amazing support with donations of blankets, clothes, and medical supplies.
volunteers sorting and packing donations
OGT volunteers spend countless hours sorting and packing donations.
volunteers sorting and packing donations
OGT volunteers spend countless hours sorting and packing donations.

This page was last updated July 6, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster